‘from Grassland to Penang’ Chen Jiqun’s Oil Painting Solo Exhibition
Chen Jiqun, a prominent Han Chinese artist, had distinguished himself as a noted environmental activist and grassland expert.
Chen Jiqun was born in China, 1947.
He attended the Art School Attached to the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 1963 to 1967 and advanced studies at the Xu Beihong Art Studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 1985 to 1986.
He began his artistic creation about grassland scenery in 1967 when he was sent to East Ujumchin Banner, Inner Mongolia as an educated youth and continued-his artistic endeavors throughout his stay on the grassland (1967-1980).
Chen Jiqun is a member of Beijing Society of Art.
He has held successful exhibitions in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, France, Thailand, Russia, South Korea, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Japan and Italy, he also wants to go to the United States, Denmark, Taiwan.. etc.
He is a professional artist in Beijing who specializes in portraits and landscape paintings, his vibrant-style has captured the hearts of many. He has owned the 'www.cnsteppe.com' & 'www.Jiqunchen.com' & 'www.cjcy.net' websites. 'www.cnsteppe.com' is a NGO (Echoing Steppe), mainly the protection of existing natural grassland in Inner Mongolia (China) and traditional nomadic culture. 1947 出生于中国沈阳
1963 - 1967 中央美术学院附中学生
1967 - 1980 内蒙古东乌旗满都宝力格插队,牧民
1980 - 1985 职业画家,往返于牧区写生和在北京创作之间
1985 - 1986 在中央美院徐悲鸿画室进修
1986 在马来西亚和新加坡办个展并加入
北京市美协1992 - 2019 借道香港赴国外办展及游学写生,
2000 创办曾经草原网站 www.chenjiqun.com
从事草原绘画和草原生态保护工作。至今 拥有几个网站并与环保 NGO 合作,负责草原专项基金。目前游牧在绘画和环保之间
2015 获蒙古国“先进文化工作者奖”。
Power in Numbers
Project Gallery